If You Think Good Design is Expensive,

You Should Look at the Cost of Bad Design.

—— Ralf Speth

“Make it Look Good!” That’s NOT what we think Design is.

It’s NOT just what it Looks Like and Feels Like.

Design is How It Works.

—— Steve Jobs

Zeng Yanjun , be responsible, with a real passion for great design, an awesome aesthetic sense, an extraordinary eye for detail, and an excellent product sense. Many years work experience in UX Design field for Mobile & Desktop apps.

Believe that "Good design is obvious; Great design is invisible".

Bad Designs definitly make users feel "Impressive", since users feel frustrated / sad / disappointed / time-wasting, just like there is some thing wrong with your organ, it pains, it makes you uncomfortable, you can feel it so trongly; on the other side, you will not feel your organ when everything of your body is fine, just like Good Designs make you use the product smothly, get things done easily and quickly, you can't feel it exists.
